Cross Over
There’s something about the New Year that I always look forward to. The New Year is like hitting the reset button. It’s a chance to start over. It’s a constant reminder that God makes all things new. As the old year comes to a close, I always take a look back and remember all that God has done throughout the year. I revisit the testimonies I have heard, recount the miracles seen and recall the goodness and faithfulness of God. Every year has its challenges and obstacles, and this year was no different. However, there was an outpouring of favor, blessings and increase. Both individually and corporately, we have seen and experienced the goodness and faithfulness of God.
Not only do I look back, but I also look forward, to the New Year and to all the new things that God will do. I use this time to press in to hear the voice of God and see what He has to say for the season to come. I do this not only for myself and family but for the church as well. In doing so, I felt like I heard the Lord say that this next year was a year to “cross over into fulfillment”. As I pressed in for what this meant, I was reminded of the children of Israel.
In Joshua chapter 3, the children of Israel are getting ready to cross over the Jordan River into the Promise Land. They have spent forty years wandering the wilderness and now they are positioned to cross over the Jordan River and step into the fulfillment of the promise God had given Abraham. I feel that 2017 will be the year where we will “cross over” and enter into the fulfillment of the promises of God. I feel like many will see the fulfillment of prophetic words in this next year. It is time to review and revisit the words spoken over you and be expectant to see that 2017 will see these words fulfilled. Just as the children of Israel had spent 40 years in the wilderness, I feel that there are some who feel like they have been in the wilderness. Remember the promises of God. This New Year will see you cross over.
The crossing over, for Israel, wasn’t going to be easy. Joshua 3:15 tells us that the Jordan River was at flood stage. In the natural, it would appear that this would be the least ideal time to cross over, but it was the perfect time for God. God instructed the priests that were carrying the ark to enter into the waters. Scripture says that as they did, the waters were blocked up and the children of Israel were able to cross over on dry ground (Joshua 3:17). This next year, for some, may not seem like the ideal time to cross over into God’s promise, but trust the word of the Lord. The ark represented the presence of God. As you carry the presence of God before you, those very obstacles will part and you will cross over into all that God has for you.
In the book of Numbers, chapter 32, we see 2 of the12 tribes of Israel decide to stay on the other side of the Jordan. The Scripture says that they saw that the land was good for raising their herds. They approached Moses and asked that they be allowed to stay in that land. Moses was concerned that if they stayed, it would discourage the remaining tribes and they wouldn’t want to cross over into the promise land and fight the remaining battles. An agreement was reached, and those tribes wanting to stay would send their armies to fight along side the other tribes, but they never did enter into the fullness of the promise land. For many, this last year saw many great victories. The tendency is to settle with the level of breakthrough you have received and not cross over into the fullness of what God has for you. Like the tribes that did not cross over, God may allow you to settle with the level of breakthrough you have received, but the promise is for more! Don’t settle!
As 2016 comes to a close, I pray that 2017 bring you into the fullness of the promises of God. May you cross over into the fulfillment of all that God has promised. The best is yet to come.